Friday, February 25, 2011

New Jersey vs Jersey SHore

Check this article out on Jersey VS Jersey Shore:

New Jerseyans across party lines can agree on at least one thing: they have put up with the 'Shore' long enough. A new Quinnipiac University poll shows that 54 percent of the state's residents think the ubiquitous reality TV show The Jersey Shore and its tabloid-friendly "stars" are bad for the state's image. Governor Chris Christie, who lashed out at the MTV show last month, might consider that to be understatement, saying on ABC that:

"What it does is it takes a bunch of New Yorkers — most of the people on ‘Jersey Shore’ are New Yorkers — drops them at the Jersey Shore and tries to make America feel like this is New Jersey."

Quinnipiac pollster Maurice Carroll, was more candid than Christie in a CNN interview: "New Jerseyans to New York: Keep your low-lifes at home and away from our seashore."

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